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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Skate Night and More to come...

We recently attended Gospel Skate Night @ Waukesha Skateland

After a couple of nice wipe-outs and a blister or two we trekked over to Oscars for a little dinner / dessert. All-in-all it was a fun night.

Moving on, we've just recently finished updating our summer events calendar (most of which can be seen in the calendar below).

There are also hard copies available in the
youth room, so grab one next time you're there!

Finally, you may wonder why there's a lot of junk currently sitting in the back of the youth room...

As it is, those are items for the church-wide rummage sale.
Keep in mind that money raised is going to help out for scholarships for youth and children's camp :)

~Ryan, Out!~