Please refer to the bottom of the page.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Calling All Pack-Rats (and also any kind folks)

Everyone Say Hello To
\/ PHIL \/

  • Phil is SO happy because he is sitting on a comfy chair.
  • Phil wants EVERYONE in the Northwest Youth Group to be as happy as him.
  • Phil is wondering if anyone out there has a chair of any type (beanbag, artsy, comfy) or even a couch that they would like to donate to the Northwest Youth Group.

  • Phil would also like to let any such person know that the lovely youth leaders at Northwest will do all the hard work (digging out the chair from under all the other things you never use anymore, transporting it to Northwest, and dealing with the youth (whom them love) who come and sit in them.
Phil says thanks.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What's New for the New School Year

...We've got a new sanctuary, our new youth room, and new youth leaders...

AND, more importantly,

we've now got new opportunities to
ROW spiritually
S E R V E our community

That being said, we are looking for each of YOU(th) to
*invest in*
and *take ownership of*
your faith and your youth group.

We are looking for each of you to:
  • read your Bible daily......
  • have daily prayer time..........
  • Bring Your Bible to Bible Study!.................
  • Be willing to challenge yourself to take the next steps in your faith journey

THIS \/ is Emily Ballew

We are going to start taking a ~~weekly offering~~that will go to support Emily (who is serving in Ghana), Babacar (our sponsored child), and the "United We Build" campaign that is on-going.

There are some other new and exciting things coming up, but we will save those for a rainy day, and another post.

'Tis all for now.