I remember being in boy scouts in 3rd grade...
The highlight of the year for me was winning a cake without really having to do ANYTHING at all. The idea seemed perfect to me......just walk in a circle until the music stops...
...then the host calls out a number or two...
...If you are standing on that number (like I was) then you win a prize (in my case, a cake)...
How awesome was that!?
I was thinking about that the other day and I realized that I often want my faith to be like a cake walk. I already know what the prize is so all I want to do is walk in a circle until my number is called and I get my metaphorical cake. Along the way I do not want to face any challenges or anything that is unfamiliar or uncomfortable.
However, the truth of the matter is that
we SHOULD be challenged by our faith.
Have you ever felt challenged by a
Bible verse or a Bible study?
we SHOULD be challenged by our faith.
Have you ever felt challenged by a
Bible verse or a Bible study?

'Cause if not, then you might not be reading the same Bible that I am.
Or maybe you are reading it but not worrying about living it?
Check out James 1:22-25
Honestly though, I think that some of you might be like another part of me. While you may not search out challenges on your own, if you are challenged by someone or something, you will face the challenge. Maybe you want to be on fire for God, or perhaps you often think of these great things you can do for Him. But think about this:
The true call of a Christian is not to do extraordinary things, but to do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
(Dean Stanley)
Realistically, the first thing that I
and likely some of you need to do
is take care of
and likely some of you need to do
is take care of
\/ this problem \/

I think this generation of youth is ready to be challenged and to overcome whatever obstacles are in their way... but when their attention is pulled in so many directions, it might be hard to find that guiding hand that will challenge them to live life to the fullest.
SO, do me a favor.
1. Dust off your Bibles and start bringing them to church.
2. Read 1 Peter 4:8-11
3. In the words of the philosopher Terrell Ownens
"Get your popcorn ready"
Because God is ready and waiting to
use you to do some big things.
1. Dust off your Bibles and start bringing them to church.
2. Read 1 Peter 4:8-11
3. In the words of the philosopher Terrell Ownens
"Get your popcorn ready"
Because God is ready and waiting to
use you to do some big things.
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